american high school

computer science first

About Us


Computer Science First is a student-founded club at American High School in the Bay Area! We are dedicated to promoting student interest in computer science, through bringing career exploration opportunities like speaker panels, community events, and field trips. Since our club's establishment in 2017, we have expanded to include a chapter of the student-led nonprofit Coding Tomorrow Initiative as well as 3 sub branches called Competitive Computing Club, Web Development Club, and Game Development Club. Our main events include multiple sessions per month on various CS-related topics, ranging from the app development to building chrome extensions, for all club members to learn!

Mr. Savoie

Our Advisor

Mr. Savoie is a sophomore English teacher at American High School, and has advised our club since 2019. Oftentimes, our practice sessions and events are held in his classroom.

Our Executives

Our Executives

Club executives are responsible for maintaining club administration, finance, and other core items. They lead the rest of the team in planning events and developing curriculums.

Our Team

Our Team

Besides the execs, we have groups of instructors, activities commisioners, and class representatives. Each team is made up of 2-4 passionate and dedicated individuals!

Hey you, join us!

We are so excited to have you here! Contact us for partnership, sign up to our mailing list, receive updates and team openings, watch our Youtube videos, and listen to our podcast!

Our Programs


From practice sessions to nonprofit chapter events, we have student-planned events and student-curated curriculums for all our lessons. Take a look below by clicking each sidebar!

Practice Session 2019-20

Practice Sessions

Our weekly practice sessions are student-led and student-created curriculums that are taught to all club members which all take place in Mr. Savoie's classroom! This year (2022-23), our instructors will be teaching Java and Android Application Development. View our specially curated curriculum here!

Intel Field Trip

Events and Activities

Along with our main sessions, we host speaker panels (from college students to professionals) and field trips to tech-y places. In the near future, we hope to host various CS workshops and an annual themed hackathon! 'Tis is a picture of our club's 2019 field trip to the Intel Museum .

CTI 2019

Coding Tomorrow Initiative

In 2019, our then club president Annie Liu founded a chapter of the 501c3 nonprofit Coding Tomorrow Initiative (CTI). CTI's mission is to provide younger interested students with ample, project-based computer science education. Over the last 4 sessions, we have taught Python, Java, HTML, and CSS to elementary and middle-schoolers at the Union City Library and online! Every session, we recruit our club members to volunteer and tutor these little kids!


Competitive Computing Club

Branched off of CS First, CCC is a recently established organization that aims to teach students competitive coding techniques. They have a dynamic, student-designed website with a points-system for contests and targeted practice. Partnering with other CS clubs in the nation, CCC has hosted several contests with swag prizes for attendees!

Web Development Club

Started in 2021, AHS Web Development Club is a student-led club that teaches beginning to advanced web development languages, frameworks, and api's such as Javascript, React, and SQL. The club also hosts hackathons and creates websites for local businesses, clubs, and organizations.

Game Development Club

Founded this year, Game Dev Club focuses on teaching core tools used in the game development industry including various game engines / frameworks, game art, tools, and a variety of programming & scripting languages. This year, the club will delve into the basics of C# and the Unity game engine. The club also hosts periodic game jams with members of the club.

Events Calendar


Along with our google calendar, we will be updating our events schedule on the website calendar. Stay tuned and check this page often!

  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Week 1 3:30PM-4:30PM Java & Android Class
Week 2 3:30PM-4:30PM Java & Android Class
Week 3 3:30PM-4:30PM Java & Android Class
Week 4 3:30PM-4:30PM Java & Android Class

Contact Us


Feel free to leave us a message! Contact us at!

Useful Links